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Tabela bezpieczeństwa

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Spis treści

  1. Bezpieczeństwo a zęby
  2. Czy wiesz, że?


Bezpieczeństwo a zęby

Urazom jamy ustnej można często zapobiec - zwłaszcza wówczas, gdy wiadomo, na co zwracać uwagę. Może w tym pomóc poniższa tabela. Wpisz w niej miejsca, które według Twojej wiedzy mogą okazać się niebezpieczne.


Działanie prewencyjne
Potencjalne miejsca niebezpieczne w moim otoczeniu
  • Zachęcaj dzieci, aby wykazywały się wzajemną troską o siebie i, jeżeli jest to stosowne, delikatnie przypominaj im, aby czekały na swoją kolejkę
Upadki na schodach
  • Nie pozwalaj, aby dzieci czuły się popędzane
  • Przypominaj dzieciom o trzymaniu się poręczy
Upadki z roweru i urządzeń na placu zabaw
  • Zapoznaj się z zasadami bezpieczeństwa
  • Naucz dzieci bezpiecznego korzystania
  • Upewnij się, że urządzenia są dostosowane do wieku dziecka i w dobrym stanie technicznym
Bieganie z przedmiotami w ustach
  • Wspólnie przygotujcie listę jedynych rzeczy, które można brać do buzi, oraz ilustracje do niej
  • Powieście ją na wysokości wzroku dziecka
Upadki / potknięcia
  • Przypominaj dzieciom, aby chodziły a nie biegały
  • Usuwaj z podłogi zabawki, materiały i rozlane płyny
Wypadki samochodowe (nagłe hamowanie)
  • Zawsze zapinaj pasy bezpieczeństwa
  • Wręcz dzieciom rekwizyty w celu odegrania scenki
Gryzienie twardych przedmiotów
  • Wspólnie przygotujcie listę wszystkich rzeczy, których nie wolno gryźć
  • Zachęcaj dzieci, aby wymyślały nowe przedmioty, które można dodać do listy


Czy wiesz, że?

  • Przednie górne zęby są najbardziej narażone podczas wypadków
  • Urazy zębów i dziąseł tylnej części jamy ustnej są zazwyczaj spowodowane obgryzaniem ołówków, gryzieniem lodu lub rozgryzaniem orzechów

Aby uzyskać gotową do wydrukowania wersję powyższej tabeli w formacie PDF, kliknij tutaj.


Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items



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